MPC Training Silver Package


-This program is created for the MPC user who needs to skip the basics and get into the meat of the MPC. Also covers engineering, recording and beat making information from the Online Music Schoolcourses.
-All Akai MPC 2500 training courses are specialized and discounted exclusively for from the Computer Music Production School

  • Pricing: $300
  • Duration: 3 Weeks
  • Akai MPC 2500, PC, MAC, Hardware & Software
  • Student Adviser Included


  • Guidelines for Songwriting & Beat production from start to finish; from recording, to mixing, to mastering.
  • Engineering and production overview on top of the MPC 2500 functions
  • Creating your own sound library using the MPC & your computer
  • How to add extra seasoning when a beat “Feels like its missing something”
  • “Find your Niche” – guidelines and assistance with making your way in the new music industry
  • Interfacing MPC 2500 with computer music production
  • Sequencing with computer music production & MPC 2500
  • MPC 2500 as a sound module/sample
  • Tempo overview for each style & genre
  • Songwriting Overview & Track structure overview
  • Drums & percussion foundation building
  • Different Roles and mindsets as a producer
  • Backups, File Organization, Templates
  • Program is customizable to student’s schedule and budget.


  • $100 MPC 2500 Sounds Voucher for
  • 24/7 Email Support

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Enroll in the Silver MPC 2500 Training Course