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This video from MPCstuff.com shows how to remove the casing from your Akai MPC 2500 to change the pad set , sensors , buttons , LCD screen , Faceplate skins and more.
lol no cos it would had cost me as much 2 send 2 u wateva u and 2 buy any new mpc model out there..
u should have. taken it and flipped it an bought another 2500
We get a beat and a dance. Nice.
Nice beat ser.. rnb 🙂
the second beat is the dopest yo
No man I aint trippin shit man.. I don wanna 4000 if I wanted it! I would have one..When I was there I saw em all 950-5000 but I chose 2500 n am lovin it…So sell that one n put a lil mo gz n get the audition bRaH..
LOL! “I’m nice wit dis shit righ?…Missed da beat.”
I woulda traded for the 4000…you was trippin BRaH…
Loving both of your beats brotha. You have heart. Love <3
Loving both of your beats brotha. You have heart. Love <3
Second beat is real dope.
Can you make an Video how to connect my MPC to my Computer?
Thats right from the mac-logic n cut the parts from the song/sample I want then export wav 2 the hard drive then usb 2 the mpc…After the beat done send back 2 mac-logic record out from mpc 2 the mac,adding bass and wateva flava u might need then bounce they u go u got the beat..
Thanx man…
How did you set up to sample directly from your Mac? I haven’t had time to read through all blogs to find out how. I’ve been sampling through my mixer using Serato. Does it have anything to do with USB to MIDI? Can you shoot me a step-by-step? Good lookin homie.. and freshhhhhh-ass beats
hivyo,hivyo ndio mwendo….MZUKA!!
No man..how come?
Ill trade you my akai 4000 for your 2500!!
that go hard man
luv it.. just dont like the shaker being so loud in there.. would cut it a little and put the volume down.. just my thougts ofcourse
haha Real deal man thanx…
send the second beat to lupe fiasco or common
bounce it out into Logic.. Thanx dawg..1
dope ass beats homie! Do you bouce (export) your beats right onto the MPC harddrive or do you bounce it out into Logic? Thanks man
Gimme those beats
i am having serious trouble trying to figure out how to install the sensors. I’ve removed everything as per your video but it seems that the sensor is in a very hard to reach area (where it plugs in) and i even unscrewed the plate that the sensor sits on and it’s a very tight spot that’s hard to reach. any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’m having problems removing the knobs .removing case 4 the first time any tip?
u buy them on mpcstuff
what do you use to change the button colors, ie; certain type of paint or spray?
You know your shit man. I bet you could fix my old Chevy too.
Where can you purchase MPC Pads and cursors?
The 25K looks real “chuuuch” with the black pads on it, cool shit!!!