Live mpc performance by MINOR in MNRco. Studio site: www.myspace.com/minormnrco, thanks 4 great sample Sajklon.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Live mpc performance by MINOR in MNRco. Studio site: www.myspace.com/minormnrco, thanks 4 great sample Sajklon.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@Digital18Devil who? you? that´s for sure….
2 wacks did’t like it. Go back watch Eastenders. 😀
Minor, upload more… What about any “tutorials”?
Respect from London.
I just bought and I’m still learning..this is dope
I have a problem with the PITCH SHIFT function. When i change the pitch of the sample to +1.00 or -1.00 (semi tone), than the sample sounds damaged. When put it to +12.00 or -12.00 (one octave) no problem. So there’s nothing wrong with the sample itself.
he means your skills are too good to believe 😉
cheers from germany
rozpierdalasz człowieku…..przeokrótnikiem jesteś XD
dobrewchuj :> BIG UP !
but i’m a real santa ; )
He’s not a real ninja.. ; )
what u mean m8?
dobrze lecisz z bitem sensei 🙂
u just cant beat that mpc sound….. thumbs up for shizzzzz
holy shit meeeeeen!!!!
Dude that’s dope as hell
can you pm me that beat?
Ty minor czemu po polsku nie gadacie ino angolem nadupiacie ? hehe
lol the glove and the mask hahahahah… great music
thats some old school west coast compton G-FUNK! nice beat n skills
jopp. If u got enough money try lead keyboard (i’m using emu xboard64) and arturia moog – it’s good choice as well 🙂
i don’t have a bass guitar but you can make your own bass line using: filter’s or VSTi (like boBass from Fruity Loops). When you are using an filter you can regulate the parameters. I have an s950 and you can regulate how “deep” the bass should be… On every filter you can make this…
yeah right… but u need to start from something. Not everyone can buy his own bass guitar.
Sample packs? Sample packs are for people that can’t make their own sample libaries…
yeah… it’s good, but sometimes sounds 2 deep. It’s a lot better to make bass line by your self, cuz youre making something new, without copying 😉 Try ebay – i’ve bought about 4 packs of samples there :)
Or try to add an effect that is called “Low Pass Filter” on the sample