Mpc 2500,Mpc 1000,and Mpc2000xl Tutorial Dvd out now at www.soundsforsamplers.com aka http Please dont watch this and watch the extended version at www.youtube.com Akai mpc2500 direct record demo from the www.soundsforsamplers.com Mpc2500 tutorial dvd on sale now!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
decided to share a video from this mornings session. just a simple loop. using track mute to change up the sounds. sorry about the quality. peace.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@Digital18Devil Hes just showing how to use the direct record feature..Go jack off with razor blades..
for those who havent noticed, you can still go to record mode, and press the play button to play whatever you have recorded before on the current sequence, and record while listening to the sequence so it’s almost the same
“I’m gonna do something else with my mouth” lol
Can you quantize the sounds you record in with direct record?
I really miss that on the JJos!
any questions bout how to werk the 2500 holla at cha boy on reverbnation scizzerzbeats holla!
You can ofc record audio just like this on an ‘Audio’ track but it can only be done by first stopping your sequence then hitting record+play.
Basically it’s exactly the same as shown here, but you can’t punch-in record like you can on AkaiOS.
No *(
Been asking JJ to implement it for ages too.
Will keep bugging him with the request.
Really can’t understand why it’s still not in any JJOS.
can you do this in the jjos1 for the 2500
can you do this with the 2000xl
Read the manual?
Hey all. I got MPC a week ago and i’m getting there (2500)! Is there a way of erasing whats on the RAM with the machine turned on? and i dont understand the program, i want to make a new one and i dunno how :'(
thanks for the tip, very helpful. you know how to get a song or sequence off the mpc into wav format or mp3?
yeah i have the same problem, what i do is everytime i start a new track i just copy the program and create a new one, this way you never use the same program two times
when I use the same program on different tracks of a sequence the pads will only sound sometimes when i hit them-i have to mute the other track in the sequence that i used the same program on-Is there anyway around this?
thanks for the vid, very helpful
thx fam..how do i record my mpc 2500 into pro tools..i use 2 have the 1000 n it worked fine..but this 2500 aint doin it..im getting worried maybe somthing internally is wrong with it..
please help me out
hot bruh check out the beats at myspace(dot)com/elsewherebeats
why cant you direct record in mpc 1000??
yo thanks for the upload man, mikeygeneral- forget you dude- anyway thanks i’m gonna get that tutorial. peace.
this motherfucker talk too much
Yo Fam, your sh#t is official! Good look’n out from Team Brooklyn and all that work you putting in! Check us out at (www.futureproducers.com)….Supreme MPC!
yo that mp is backwords
yo your mpc is set for lefties or what i never encountered a 2500 with the function controls on that side of the padds wich is tite cause im lefty
i like this my dude, some of the dopest tracks in Hip Hop are built around simple loops, simplicity is the key 🙂
Is anybody know how to trackmute with akai mpd32?
We all have to start somewhere. Simple is good and usually people with something negative to say don’t have one video on there page or aren’t “great” themselves……… keep doing ya thing.
thanks. i know it’s simple but at least something.
That was nice…
i realize it’s a simple loop… that’s why it says “a simple loop” in the video description.
thanks for the comment anyways, genius.
2 simple
thanks for the comment… i’m not sure who the original is from, but i got the sample from an Atlantic Starr joint.
thanks for the comments… i’ll check the video you mentioned.
real coot beat man yo I got a video you can send this to for a video response.
thanks for the comment. i just put my camera to the left of the mpc and recorded. no mirror tricks here, hahaha lol.
damn i was trippin for a min everything was backwards …recordin with a mirror shot ha…nice beat man
honestly, I just plug into the line in on my laptop…its not great but not bad
thanks man. will do. what are you using to record videos? i noticed you plug in the sound cord for a more clear sound?
cool beat bro…thanks for the subscription…get the word out and I’ll do the same