Question by : i have the samson c01 condenser mic what kind of xlr three pin brand cable do i need to hook it up to a mbox2?
i have the samson c01 condenser mic what kind of xlr three pin brand cable do i need to hook it up to an mbox 2 and to an mpc 2500
Best answer:
Answer by spoolingturbo
what is a mbox2 and a mpc2500? do they have xlr inputs? if they do, any brand cable will work. it doesn’t really matter. it depends on how much money you want to spend and how long a cable you want.
do the mbox2 and mpc2500 have phantom power? the condenser mic’s will need power in order to work. again, with that, it doesn’t matter kind of cable you use, just as long as it’s an xlr.
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