Installing RAM on the Akai Mpc2500 or Mpc1000 Mpc2500,Mpc1000,and Mpc200xl/Mpc2000 Tutorial Dvds out now at http;//www.akaimpc.com aka www.soundsforsamplers.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Installing RAM on the Akai Mpc2500 or Mpc1000 Mpc2500,Mpc1000,and Mpc200xl/Mpc2000 Tutorial Dvds out now at http;//www.akaimpc.com aka www.soundsforsamplers.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
goto amazon, u can get 256mb for like 15$
The hardest part you left out:
How do you get the previous ram card OUT?????
thanks for the video. I just got the memory upgrade.
damn i only got 16…
I got that one, but when I turn my mpc on it says, 128 installed, with SODIMM ERROR through the screen and than it freezes… whats up with that?
thans a lor
yes, you want laptop ….. in fact, I just put mine in while looking at your question. I got mine off ebay for a little over $11.00(brand new).
The name of the store is EveryUpgrade
man, i got an elementary question. i heard that i can put any pc or laptop ram to my mpc for upgrade is it true? or necessarily akai EXM128 ram??
yeah akai ram is expesive
whats that other 32 pin slot plug up, next to the RAM slot, yo
could some one please tell me could u use laptop ram in the mpc1000 im new at this
dont buy akai ram, buy kingston KVR133X64SC3/256
search for it on google;)
ey im new with this mpc thing
i just copp the 3k..can i upgrade my memory with standar computer ram?
I just bought an MPC1000 to find out that it doesnt work at times. It sometimes freezes and the pads dont work. Does somebody know what the problem is or how can i fix it? and also is there a reset button on the MPC?
Thankyou, really appreciate it !
Yeah AKAI doesn’t make the ram, so easy and cheap to put it in yourself. I think it’s PC133 not 100 though. I might be off.
Yeah, There’s bullshit everywhere there’s money. Greedy fucks.
yeah – you got that! I used to work in sam ash music years ago and i seen some people do some pretty weird things.but when you really look at it,it aint that bad. we are just talking about some memory here.its not like you baught a house or something.i just wish sometimes that akai would stop their bullshit and explain to the masses what they really have and what they are doing becouse at the end of they day consumers are being hurt and its not fair.
Hey now at least i didn’t opt for the $200 dollars they would have charged if i got it installed when I got the thing. I was at least smart enought to check out ebay.
thats the trick!what you cant sample your own shit? LOL – hey man all you had to do was do a little more research and you woulda saved some cash.Thats why i love the fact that i grew up dirt poor in the ghetto,cause you get real smart real quick! good luck tho -glad you got it.Now go to your room and make beats!
I hope so, I just got mine in the mail from some guy and it says 256mb. Cost me 30-40 bucks but ah well.
I hope so, I just got mine in the mail from some guy and it says 256mb. Cost me 30-40 bucks but ah well.
I hope so, I just got mine in the mail from some guy and it says 256mb. Cost me 30-40 bucks but ah well.
Shitt!! Just got mine in the mail today paid three times that price..ah well came with a cd of a bunch of pretty descent samples.