At the finish you can listen to the finished beat . sory for the quality , but i’ve used internet camera to make the movie . Peace
Video Rating: 4 / 5
At the finish you can listen to the finished beat . sory for the quality , but i’ve used internet camera to make the movie . Peace
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Podoba mi się ten bit. Super. 🙂
no miodzio, w sam raz XD
This would be good if looptroop was singing in it But yh Still Amazing 🙂
dobry bicik zrobiles widze caly czas do przodu pozdro
zajebista zabawka. w wakacje kupuje 5000 na raty, juz kurwa usiedziec nie moge a jeszcze pare miechow.
big up
gondziu zajebiste ty moze do ciebie bedzie mozna wpasc??:D
the bass line kinda sounds link something out of OGC.. too much on the kick bro, bangin beat though!
zajebiste pozdro!! Dj Gondek