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The second version of the video. Nomad Feat Knoxie Ty “Set U Free” Leave a comment, subscribe and be sure to check out Knoxie Ty. www.youtube.com www.mediafire.com Summary of differences between MPC2000 and MPC2000XL · How about MPC2000 vs. MPC60/3000? … What type of memory should I use in the MPC2000XL? … www.mpc2000xl.com/ – Cached – Similar Music Production Center – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to MPC2000XL: The MPC2000XL is similar to the MPC2000 but with added features; including four pad-bank keys, time stretch along with other new … en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_Production_Center – Cached – Similar Shopping results for mpc2000xl Akai MFC42KIT Mounts MFC42 to MPC2000XL .00 new – samedaymusic Mpc2000xl Sampler/sequencer 9.99 used – Daddy’s Junky Music Akai MFC42KIT Mounts MFC42 to MPC2000XL .95 new – zZounds Video results for mpc2000xl FaT TrAk oN MpC 2000 XL #2 Sample Beat 5 min – Jun 5, 2007 www.youtube.com Pete Rock MPC 2000XL 6 min – Feb 27, 2008 www.youtube.com Akai MPC-2000 / MPC-2000XL | Vintage Synth Explorer The MPC-2000XL adds several new features which include a Next Sequence key, four bank keys, Track Mute key, a hinged LCD, multi-program playback, … www.vintagesynth.com/akai/mpc2000.php – Cached – Similar Akai MPC Owner Manual downloads for MPC 500, MPC 1000, MPC 2500 … Download free Akai MPC owners manual, owner’s manual for MPC 500, MPC 1000, MPC 2500, MPC 2000 XL, MPC 3000, MPC 4000 in PDF formats. www.mpcsounds.com …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
i don’t know about other MPCs, i just own the 2500 SE, the 500, and sold the 1000 last month. for real, u got to get the JJOS just google for it, it increases the power of the machine! if i remember right, the price is 123$. but its worth every penny!
just think about. you can download it for free, and try it as long as you like, but you can’t save 😉 therefore you have to pay, but this was my best decision since i got this machine 😉
Thanks bro. I figured out the problem was because I didn’t have the same track set-ups in all sequences that I was using. Didn’t know that that was necessary. Is this the case with all MPC’s? Cheers.
hey. as far as i know the problem is that you have your other sequences with track mutes, and not have unique sequences if u know what i mean?!
i’m using the JJOS its much better, and there you can make mix downs directly in the song menu 😉
questions? ask!
Cheers for the video. I have bought my MPC 2500 SE just this week, today I had to face my first problem. I was hoping that you might help me.
I just did my first beat in the song mode, which consists of few sequences. Some sequences are having different track settings than other, but when I convert the song into the one sequence, the whole song is played in the set-up from the first sequence/step.
I just can’t figure out what is going on.
Any help is welcome. Thank you in advance. Peace
it depends on the situation. sometimes this sometimes that 😉 but its more comfortable to make the song on the pc complete. i use samplitude. but making it on the mpc itself isnt so complicated 😉
if you have questions just feel free to ask!
Yo thanx… So finally u mixdown your music on pc? That’s what I wonder. Thanx once more and keep do ya thing thing!
…normalise it then your track should be loud enough 😉
any questions?
yeah bro, i resample my stuff too, but im using JJOSXL. in the song mode is a function named mixdown, so i make a mixdown of every track and put it all together in samplitude. the other way is to resample the whole song with the mixdown function. in akai os you can go to song mode and press convert to sequence to convert your song to a long sequence and then resample it through your main out. low? you mean the “track” is not loud? put the wave file on your CF card and manually….
Wudup! Yo man I working on the same machine. How ya export tha finished track? When I resample my shit it sounds low…
nice vid!
yo man i paid around 1700 $. but i bought it in germany and paid in euros 😉
what did you pay 4 the mpc
Man this song goes so hard! The both come with it, dropping them hellified bars. And, I love this really cool melody that they’re spitting over!! Another thing, thanx to Knoxie for the bit of eye candy, appreciate that! Still, love listening to this:)
i love this beat
dope product family, I been following Knoxie for a minute, now. Swing through and check the page. Peace ..
Knoxie Ty & Nomad are REAL HIP HOP, no doubt!
dope and soulful
Nice track… Like the mello vibe…
The message is perfect.
cool cool
I thought the dude next to you at around 1:13 was Mike Jones…real talk, lol. no joke.
dope im feelin dis
This is a GREAT collab that – world Wide connects – supports 100%
yeah man I already did! That video where you drink the 5 hour energy and go crazy… FUNNY AS HELL.. should be a commercial for energy drinks..
Wow this is awesome! Will you check out mine?
Great song gods and goddess keep the knowledge alive, hotep.
Loving this track:)
Im digging this
Well it’s a really HEAVY track! mad respect
Hey nah man this beat was produced by Montae Sound my partner in N3 innovations. Sorry man I must have over looked this comment B4. And I dont usually look at my old vids to often… Anyways PeAcE
Set em free bruh, dope vibes on this joint. Keep grinding.
really digging this homie..!
this is soooo dope.
this song sounds like a trippy cult chant. if thats what u were going for good job, im not hating. just giving u some feedback.
@payaso210 Thanks for the quote man!
this raw!!!!
love how chill this track is son. real nice song for late night blazin. kinda trippy to